Fujinon Fujifilm enters ninth year as ACS Major National Sponsor

Fujinon Cabrio XK 6×20 zoom lens.
SYDNEY, 31 May 2016 – Fujinon Fujifilm has signed on to be the Australian Cinematographers Society’s (ACS) major national sponsor for the ninth straight consecutive year.

The company has had a long and successful relationship with the ACS that includes initiatives such as the Fujifilm motion picture film contributions which helped in the establishment of the ACS national HQ in North Sydney, being a major participant in all state and national awards ceremonies and providing support when top international DoPs such as Anthony “Dod” Mantle visit the Society.

ACS national president Ron Johanson said, “Clearly everyone at the ACS is delighted that Fujinon Fujifilm have again decided to be our major national sponsor for the ninth year. The relationship between the ACS and Fujinon Fujifilm is one built on mutual respect and without the support and the collaborative spirit from not only Fujinon Fujifilm but all our ACS sponsors, the Society would not have made the impact it has, both nationally and internationally. Our ACS National Awards, along with our ACS National Headquarters are testament to the positive relationship forged with Marc van Agten and the team. We are very much looking forward to next year where we can celebrate a decade of support from Marc and everyone at Fujinon Fujifilm.”

At this year’s ACS Expo, which formed part of the ACS National Awards, Fujinon successfully demonstrated its new Cabrio XK 6×20 zoom lens, an addition to its lineup of 4K-compatible digital cinema camera zoom lenses, to over 300 ACS members and cinematographers in Adelaide. As a result and according to Fujifilm GM recording media and optical devices, Marc Van Agten, interest in the new lens has been particularly high.

Van Agten commented, “It’s been a long and very successful partnership for Fujinon Fujifilm and the ACS as both organisations complement each other well. The ACS serves its members and the entire industry very well and I’m delighted to say that as a result an increasing number of its members use Fujinon lenses to create their magic on the screen. On behalf of everyone at Fujinon Fujifilm I would like to thank Ron and all the ACS state and national committees and members for their continued support and we look forward to furthering our partnership in the years ahead.”

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