NHNZ’s Man Hunt to collect awards at Montana CINE International Film Festival

Press release from NHNZ

Man Hunt, NHNZ’s recent series for National Geographic International, received several accolades at the Montana CINE International Film Festival this week.

Man Hunt: Sharp Teeth Nomads won the Best of Category Hunting and Conservation Documentary and two Honorable Mentions for Cinematography and Educational Value. And Man Hunt: Kalahari Killers received an Honorable Mention: Cultural Insight.

In Man Hunt, former zoo-keeper Hayden Turner learns the tricks of the trade of hunting for food with isolated tribes around the globe, including the Baka from Cameroon who use their voices and poisonous darts as weapons, as seen in Sharp Teeth Nomads, and the Saan in the Kalahari desert, renowned for their “running” hunt.

NHNZ Executive Producer John Hyde said he and the team, many of whom are now scattered across the globe, were stoked with the award.

“This series was a tremendous challenge. For the presenter Hayden Turner and crew who endured incredible hardship out in the field, including the sheer physical trial of having to keep up with the hunters, sometimes for ten hours a day. And also for the team back here in Dunedin firstly getting access to these tribes and then getting the crews to some of the world’s most isolated places. But this kind of commendation does make it all worthwhile.”

The Montana CINE International Film Festival, which runs from October 17 – 23rd in Missoula, features films on a broad range of topics and works to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding of wildlife, habitat, people and nature through excellence in film, television and other media.