Screen NSW revamps funding guidelines

Screen NSW has overhauled the way it funds productions under its new Creative Communities policy which is aimed at growing the state’s cultural organisations and arts sector.

The changes make eligibility requirements clearer and simplify Production Grant Agreements (PGA) across funding programs, including the Production Fund and Made in NSW – TV Drama Fund. The state agency has also cut its payment times from 30 days to 14 days.

The changes flow from recommendations made as part of the government’s 10-year Creative Communities policy, which included a commitment to reduce investment approval, contracting and payment time frames.

Meanwhile, Screen NSW has also overhauled its Development Program guidelines and launched an International Travel Fund for NSW practitioners to travel to international festivals, markets, awards, industry trade missions and financing projects.

In 2022-23, Screen NSW funded 38 productions, 22 TV shows, 11 features and 5 online projects, which were filmed and produced in NSW.

Production Finance terms

The fund provides a grant to NSW production companies, screen projects and creatives to produce or post produce feature films, TV drama including children’s (up to $5 million); factual and documentary television or online, animation and interactive online screen entertainment in NSW.

  • Up to $850,000 funding per project is now available.
  • Documentary and factual series can now access increased funding of up to 10 per cent of their qualifying NSW production expenditure.

Made in NSW – TV Drama Fund terms

The fund provides grants to high-end feature film and television drama productions (including children’s content), produced by Australian production companies, which can shoot in NSW.

  • The total budget of a project must be between $5 million and $18 million.
  • Provides up to 10 per cent of qualifying NSW production expenditure capped at $1 million.
  • Screen NSW conducts five competitive funding rounds per financial year.