Nicholas Verso's Crazy Fun Park tells the story of Chester (Henry Strand), an introverted teen who makes the incredible discovery that his recently deceased best friend, Mapplethorpe (Stacey Clausen), is one of a group of ghoulish teens who haunt the abandoned fun park on the edge of town.
Melbourne's relationship with cinema will be explored in a new collection of essays to be released in conjunction with the 70th anniversary of the city's international film festival.
A mix of fresh faces and familiar favourites are along for the ride of ABC ME’s horror-comedy series 'Crazy Fun Park' as filming begins in Melbourne.
Like a Photon Creative's animated family franchise 'The Tales From Sanctuary City' continues to rack up overseas sales, ranking as one of Australia's most successful exports.
Amazon has commissioned Guesswork Television to produce a series of stand-up comedy specials from ten Australian comedians.
'One Night Stan' will see a host of the country’s most popular stand-up comedians star in their own feature-length comedy special.
Paul Hogan returns to Australian TV next year as the star of the ABC documentary Hoges: I've Just Gotta Ask.
The Aussie comedian's new show airs this week on ABC