Directed by Johan Gabrielsson, and written and produced by Mark Forstmann, 'Climate Changers' follows acclaimed scientist Tim Flannery as he searches for the missing ingredient in our fight against climate change – leadership.
Penelope McDonald’s documentary 'Audrey Napanangka' centres on the titular Warlpiri woman and her Sicilian partner Santo as they navigate through colonial systems to keep the children they care for together.
Production on Penelope McDonald's documentary Audrey Napanangka may have officially begun in 2012, but the seeds of the project were laid well before.
After launching the #WhoIsInYourCrew campaign, the Australian Cinematographers Society has taken another step towards achieving greater diversity in its ranks.
"If you look at what the Gender Matters funding has done for female film filmmakers, that has not trickled down to those who work below-the-line."
Filmmaker Megan Riakos has filmed the wrap-around segment for an anthology of horror short films by female directors which she is curating with producer Leonie Marsh.