ABC investigative crime series 'The Family Court Murders' follows Walkley award-winning crime journalist and author, Debi Marshall, as she explores the shocking series of bombings and shootings in the 1980’s that became known in the national psyche as the Family Court Murders.
The shortlist of 13 projects will have the opportunity to present their work to a mix of funders, broadcasters, streamers, sales agents, and distributors at the March conference.
In eight-part ABC factual series 'Back To Nature', hosts Aaron Pedersen and bestselling author Holly Ringland will guide viewers through the wonder and awe of the Australian landscape.
Consistent with Media Stockade's mandate to foster diversity, Indigenous filmmakers Dena Curtis and Kimberley Benjamin are each directing two episodes of the ABC's Back to Nature.
Australian and Chinese relations will be examined through the lens of marriage in upcoming ABC documentary feature, 'Double Happiness'.
The feature doc details the struggle of 3,000 residents of the Paga Hill community in Papua New Guinea, who watched helplessly as police bulldozed their homes to make way for a luxury resort.