Directed by Johan Gabrielsson, and written and produced by Mark Forstmann, 'Climate Changers' follows acclaimed scientist Tim Flannery as he searches for the missing ingredient in our fight against climate change – leadership.
The past few months have held a lot of lessons for Monkey Puzzle director Mark Forstmann and producer Tamara Popper, after they decided to leap headlong into the distribution game to bring their film to Australian cinema screens.
This feature film debut from Mark Forstmann is a beautiful and dramatic journey into the unforgiving landscape of the NSW Blue Mountains, following five friends on the search for one of the world's rarest trees, the Wollemi Pine.
After impressing film festival audiences around the world, Monkey Puzzle will be screening as a limited national release from 23rd October, with opening nights in Sydney, Melbourne and Katoomba and a Q&A session with writer/director Mark Forstmann.