SBS drama 'Safe Home' serves as a launch pad for Kindling Pictures, a new production company led by Imogen Banks and Emelyne Palmer. IF finds out how their producer-assistant relationship evolved to see them start a business together.
Feature films from directors Tony Ayres and Gracie Otto, as well Aunty Donna’s production company Haven’t You Done Well Productions, are among the 33 projects to share in $1 million of story development funding from Screen Australia.
First announced last October, the Fox network’s remake of Imogen Banks and Jonathan Gavin’s drama 'Sisters' is finally getting traction.
On-screen diversity in Australia and internationally has improved by "leaps and bounds," according to actor Remy Hii.
Imagine you had a family you didn't know about... From the creators of 'Offspring' and 'Puberty Blues' comes the brand new Aussie drama, 'Sisters'.
Network Ten has unveiled its 2017 line-up, with two local dramas leading the slate; 'Sisters' and the previously announced mini 'Wake in Fright'.