Open letter regarding the future of Film Australia within the new Australian Scr

Concerned Documentary Filmmakers
PO Box 7176
Bondi NSW 2026
21 August 2007
Senator the Hon George Brandis SC
Minister for the Arts and Sport
Parliament House
Canberra ACT
Senator Helen Coonan, Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Senator Stephen Conroy, Shadow Minister for Communications and Information Technology
Mr Peter Garrett MP, AM, Shadow Minister for the Arts
Ms Patricia Scott, Secretary, DCITA
Mr Brian Rosen, CEO, Film Finance Corporation
Mr Graham Bradley, Chair, Film Finance Corporation
Mr Chris Fitchett, Acting CEO, Australian Film Commission
Ms Maureen Barron, Chair, Australian Film Commission
Ms Daryl Karp, CEO, Film Australia
Mr Stephen Skala, Chair, Film Australia
Mr Geoff Brown, Executive Director, Screen Producers Association of Australia
Mr Drew MacRae, Executive Director, Australian Directors Guild
Ms Jacqueline Woodman, Executive Director, Australian Writers Guild
Dear Minister,
We, the undersigned, a group of leading independent documentary filmmakers, believe it is in the best interests of the future of our production sector and the efficient delivery of the Government’s direct funding through the merged Agency independent documentary community that Film Australia’s funding, educational programs and archive resources be fully incorporated into the new Australian Screen Authority (ASA). We believe this can be achieved without any reduction in quality and can deliver the necessary outcomes that the Federal Government attached to the National Interest Program, the History Initiative and the Digital Learning program.
In making this statement, we wish to acknowledge Film Australia’s rich heritage, producing some of our most memorable documentaries. However, we believe the organisation is clinging to an outdated model of production no longer appropriate for the 21st Century. The administrative cost of operating Film Australia with its high overheads and commissioning structure and production company model has made it an inefficient organisation and, in recent times, its internal culture has alienated it from many of the country’s best documentary practitioners.
We have decided to write this letter independently of the Guilds of which we are members (SPAA, ADG and AWG) to reinforce the need for a change in the way Film Australia has recently conducted business.
We strongly advocate the following:
1) That the precious National Interest Program (NIP) and History Initiative – that have funded some of Australia’s most important films – should be curated by the ASA but not ‘produced’ by a continuing Film Australia operating within the ASA – as has been the model up until now. The production company model is incompatible with both a Statutory Authority, as the ASA will become, and with a competitive and efficient independent production sector.
2) Following from above, that the existing EP commissioning structure should be abolished and replaced by project managers with a consultancy rolefulfilling the necessary curatorial functions to fulfil the objectives of the NIP and History Initiative.
3) That the terms of trade under which Film Australia has subcontracted the NIP and History Initiative to the independent production sector be radically reformed. In particular the issues of 100% copyright ownership, editorial control, diminished branding for production partners and compulsory distribution arrangements all need to be overturned.
4) That Film Australia’s archive library should be transferred to the National Film & Sound Archive and managed as a discrete collection within the NFSA with access to it maintained on the same terms of trade as currently exist.
5) That the Digital Learning program be combined with Film Australia’s current marketing and non-theatrical distribution operation and managed as ashould also be operated through then online access portal through the ASA.
6) That  we support the concept of a production cluster on the Lindfield site, which currently has 32 tenants providing services of value to the wider Australia film and television production industry, but are of the view that it should not be the responsibility of funding currently allocated to Film Australia to maintain the site for this purpose.  We believe a more efficient administrative structure fulfilling the current functions of Film Australia can be created with a physical move away from the Lindfield site to join the new ASA.
We request that the Steering Committee currently being convened by DCITA to look at the future operation of the ASA take note of our views, given that we represent a significant majority of current practitioners in Australia and a majority of subcontractors that have worked with Film Australia over the past decade.
We believe a consultation process regarding the future structure and operation of the ASA must be established with the wider industry as a matter of urgency in the interests of developing the best policy outcomes.
Yours sincerely (in alphabetical order):
1.         Jennie Ainge                          The Life and Times of Margaret Whitlam
2.         Sonja Armstrong                    The Floating Brothel
3.         Mish Armstrong                      Out of Our Minds
4.         Helen Barrow                          Hired Assassins – Political Cartooning in Australia
5.         David Batty                              Bush Mechanics
6.         Helen Bowden                        Girl in the Mirror
7.         Anna Cater                              Frank Hurley – the Man Who Made History
8.         Philippa Campey                   Hidden Treasures
9.         Bevan Childs                          Message from Moree
10.       Barbara Chobocky                Welcome to The Waks Family
11.       Ian Collie                                 A Case for the Coroner
12.       Bob Connolly                         Rats in the Ranks
13.       Michael Cordell                     Year of the Dogs
14.       Mandy Chang                        Remembering Rain
15.       Ruth Cullen                            Becoming Julia
16.       Ben Davies                             Bondi Rescue
17.       Franco di Chiera                    Constructing Australia: Pipe Dreams
18.       Mitzi Goldman                        Hatred
19.       Kim Farrant                             Naked from the Inside
20.       Pat Fiske                                 Selling Sickness
21.       Frank Haines                          900 Neighbours
22.       Denise Haslem                      Mabo – Life of an Island Man
23        Cathy Henkel                         The Man Who Stole My Mother’s Face
24.       Chris Hilton                            Dying to Leave
25.       John Hughes                         The Art of War
26.       Sally Ingleton                         Welcome to my Deaf World
27.       Graeme Isaac                        Dhakiyarr vs the King
28.       Susan Lambert                      The Good The Bad and The Ugg Boot
29.       Rachael Landers                  Missing
30.       Curtis Levy                             The President vs David Hicks
31.       John Lewis                             Troubled Minds
32.       Mark Lewis                             Cane Toads
33        Mark Lewis                             The Floating Brothel
34.       Susan MacKinnon                 Eternity
35.       Sue Maslin                              Hunt Angels
36.       Lisa Mathews                         The Shadow of Mary Poppins
37.       Malcolm McDonald               The Colony
38.       Jeni McMahon                        Bush Mechanics
39.       Megan McMurchy                  Sadness
40.       Stefan Moore                          Superflu
41.       John Moore                             Thomson of Arnhem Land
42.       Simon Nasht                           Constructing Australia: The Bridge
43.       Andrew Ogilvie                       Stories from a Children’s Hospital
44.       Dennis O’Rourke                   Cunnamulla
45.       Hugh Piper                              Submariners
46.       Mike Piper                                A Wire Through The Heart
47.       Sharyn Prentice                      Tasmanian Devil – The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn
48.       Paul Roy                                  Kimberley Cops
49.       Julian Russell                         Secrets of the Jury Room
50.       Judy Rymer                             Message from Moree
51.       Sherine Salama                     A Wedding in Ramallah
52.       Nick Torrens                           Men Who Would Conquer China
53.       Carmel Travers                      Not All Tea and Scones
54.       Russell Vines                         Desperately Seeking Sheila
55.       Ian Walker                              The Hacktivists
56.       Steve Westh                           Bom Bali
57.       Aviva Zeigler                          Plumpton High Babies
58.       Tom Zubrycki                         The Diplomat

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