The new animated short film series 'Tales of the ONE IN TEN' launches today to draw attention to the struggles of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Produced by The Solid State for children's charity The Smith Family, the first short film in the series 'ALICE & THE GIANT EMPTINESS' premieres across social media platforms as well as the campaign website,
A contemporary tale about a young girl living with the burden of disadvantage, Alice & the Giant Emptiness highlights the plight of the thousands of children living in similar conditions in Australia today.
Creator Danny Lachevre said, "We hope this heartfelt film, and the universal character of Alice, will raise awareness about this issue. The series begins with Alice & the Giant Emptiness and will continue with stories of others who struggle against the effects of disadvantage. Each is a story of hope", he continued.
The Smith Family's CEO, Dr Lisa O'Brien, said, "These films are a new approach to raising awareness about the severe impact financial disadvantage has on children. It's estimated that 1 in 10 Australian children live in jobless families. Most people are unaware of this staggering statistic and just how large the group is."
ALICE & THE GIANT EMPTINESS premieres today with further stories to follow throughout the year.