AFC congratulates Australian filmmaker Eva Orner on Academy Award win

The Australian Film Commission (AFC) has congratulated Eva Orner on winning the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature at the 80th Annual Academy Awards® in Los Angeles.

Producer Eva Orner won the Academy Award® for her work on Taxi to the Dark Side. Taxi to the Dark Side explores a controversial incident where an Afghan taxi driver at the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan was shot and killed by US soldiers. Eva shared the Academy win with her American director Alex Gibney.

Eva Orner is an Australian producer based in New York. Since relocating from Melbourne in 2004, Eva has been producing documentaries at Jigsaw Productions with Alex Gibney. Eva’s Australian credits include producing the AFI award winning documentary Untold Desires, the feature film Josh Jarman and co-producing the feature film Strange Fits of Passion, which screened in Critics Week at the Cannes Film Festival.

‘This is an outstanding achievement for Eva,’ said Chris Fitchett, Chief Executive of the AFC. ‘Australian documentary has a proud tradition and a deep pool of talent – Australia’s first Academy Award® was in fact for Ken Hall and Damien Parer’s documentary Kokoda Front Line! in 1942. We congratulate Eva on both her film and the award.’

[release from Avviso PR for the AFC]

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