Dark comedy Bad Behaviour follows Lucy (Jennifer Connelly), a former child actress who seeks enlightenment at a retreat led by spiritual leader Elon (Ben Whishaw) also navigating the close, yet turbulent relationship with her stunt performer daughter, Dylan, played by writer/director Alice Englert.
The cast also includes New Zealand actress Ana Scotney, Dasha Nekrasova, Karan Gill, and Marlon Williams. The film was produced by Desray Armstrong and Molly Hallam, and executive produced by Stephen Braun of Bee-Hive Productions.
Filming took place in New Zealand with the backing of the New Zealand Film Commission, the New Zealand Screen Production Grant, Fulcrum Media Finance, and Bee-Hive Productions, as well as support from AHI Films and Images & Sound.
Bad Behaviour will be released in cinemas November 9 via AHI Films.