Directed by Johan Gabrielsson, and written and produced by Mark Forstmann, Climate Changers follows acclaimed scientist Tim Flannery as he searches for the missing ingredient in our fight against climate change – leadership.
Throughout the film, he discusses his concerns with 45th Vice President of the United States, Al Gore; renewable electricity advocate Saul Griffith; former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull; Fijian international human rights lawyer and activist, Kavita Naidu; Dharawal and Yuin custodian Paul Knight; co-founder and president of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action, Jo Dodds; climate councillor and former head of BP Australasia, Greg Bourne; tribal chief of East Kwaio in the Solomon Islands, Esau Kekeubata; West Papuan activist and human rights lawyer, Frederika Korain; and Tishiko King, a Kulkalaig woman, who as a First Nations Advisor, attended the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.
The production team includes cinematographer Justine Kerrigan, editors Antoinette Ford and Lindi Harrison, and composer Seth Gabrielsson. The impact production team includes Stephanie King, Andrea Foxworthy, and Lucy Corrigan of Documentary Australia. The film is part of Documentary Australia’s Environmental Accelerator program, which is supported by Intrepid Travel.
Following its world premiere at the 2023 Sydney Film Festival, where it was shortlisted for the Best Australian Documentary Award and the Sustainable Future Award, Climate Changers will be coming to cinemas nationally for a special screening and live-streamed Q&A event on Sunday, September 17 at 5.30pm AEST.
A limited cinema release will follow in the weeks after through Antidote Films.