DOCO2012 dialogues gain more local media expert participants

Film Australia announced today additional media participants from the local television networks will join its line-up of high profile international and local experts from the digital media world to participate in the DOCO2012 forum being staged ahead of AIDC this month.

The free forum titled DOCO2012 Dialogues – Documentary and the Digital Future is open to all documentary filmmakers in Fremantle on Tuesday, February 19. Film Australia CEO Daryl Karp said the DOCO2012 Dialogues, presented jointly with ScreenWest, followed the successful session on future directions for documentary presented at last year’s AIDC.

Additional speakers now attending the forum include:

Jane Roscoe – TV Network Programmer SBS
Dan Fill – Head Multi-platform Production, ABC Television
Brendan Moo – Head of Factual Channels & Senior Executive Publicity at Foxtel
Richard Harris, CEO South Australian Film Corporation and author of Film in the Age of Digital Distribution (Platform Paper, Currency Press)

DOCO 2012 will be an open forum for dialogue between documentary makers, broadcasters and policy makers.  Representing key players in the production, broadcasting and digital media, speakers will explore what the opportunities are for documentary makers in the digital future and what Australian documentary makers need in order to survive and succeed in the changing environment.

Previously announced speakers include renowned UK broadcaster and writer Steve Hewlett, leading WA documentary maker Celia Tait (Who Do You Think You Are?)  and Professor Duane Varan of the Interactive Television Research Institute at Murdoch University in a discussion on where the audiences are and where they are going in 2012.

Dr Shilo McClean (digital storytelling consultant) and Tom Dawkins (convenor of youth media services Vibewire Inc) will discuss innovative documentary making and the youtube generation.

The final session will examine how to make sense of these models financially – who is paying for it and why.  This will bring broadcasting, digital media, advertising and distribution together with Tim Flattery (Digital Artists, Emitch) and founder Tim Sparke (Mercury Media UK).

‘Digital media will impact everything we do in the future, and has already transformed the world of documentary in terms of audiences, content and narratives, delivery platforms and even financial models – so as we look forward the key question is what is the place of Australian documentary in a cluttered media environment – international, multilingual, interactive and personal,’ Ms Karp said.

‘Digital content, multiplatform programming, industry growth and innovation are major strategic priorities for ScreenWest in factual and documentary production and across the board. We are therefore very pleased to join Film Australia and invite you to Fremantle to hear from key speakers in the digital sector and contribute to this exciting discussion,’ said ScreenWest Chief Executive Ian Booth.

Date – Tuesday 19 February 2008   Venue – Maritime Museum, Victoria Quay Fremantle
Registration – 1.00pm for 1.30pm start (light lunch to be served on arrival) Program concludes 5.30pm

Registration is free but RSVP essential to:
For more information on event go to or contact Megan Hipwell 02 9413 8733.

[release from Avviso for Film Australia]         

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