An exceptional three day program offering you the rare and exciting opportunity to be guided by two of PIXAR’s most talented story and animation artists, a Hollywood script consultant and animation specialists working in Australia.

This event is produced by Epiphany International Artists and co-presented by AFTRS Open with the support of Screen Australia.

Join Matthew Luhn (Story Supervisor) and Andrew Gordon (Directing Animator) from PIXAR for this exclusive masterclass. Matthew and Andrew have worked on PIXAR classics including their very first CG movie released in 1995, Toy Story, as well as Toy Story 2 & 3, A Bugs Life, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc & Monsters University; The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall-E and Up.

They are joined for the first time in Australia by Bobette Buster, a Hollywood writer/producer and leading story consultant to PIXAR, Disney Animation and Sony Animation who will present a one day class deconstructing the masters of animation that will leave you moved and inspired.

Day 1
Story Development with Matthew Luhn

Storyboarding & the Story Artist, Preliminary Storyboards, 3 Act Story Structure, Sequence Boards & Character Development, Gags, Storyboarding from a Script, Composing Your Storyboards, Line & Value, Q & A (10am – 6pm)

Day 2 
Animation with Andrew Gordon

Pose Design, Locomotion, Acting for Animation, Gestures, Planning, Blocking, Facial Animation, Polish, Demo Reels, Q & A (10am – 6pm)

Day 3
Animation Workshop with Matthew and Andrew. Limited to 50 places per city. (10am – 6pm)

Day 3 
Bobette Buster will present a one day class deconstructing the masters of animation that will leave you moved and inspired. (10am – 6pm)

There are 1, 2 and 3 day packages available starting from $199 in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. These seminars are open to everyone over 16 years of age.


SYDNEY: 24 – 26 May


MELBOURNE: 29 – 31 May

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