Ford designs Interceptor for Mad Max 4

With the fourth installment of Mad Max looming on the horizon, Ford Australia has celebrated by unveiling two 21st century versions of Mad Max Rockatansky's iconic car.

The company took on the task after being challenged by TopGear Australia magazine to design a new Interceptor.

"Our entire team was very excited to be involved in this after-hours project and they approached it with a great deal of enthusiasm – even those that were too young to remember the first Mad Max movie," said Design director Chris Svensson in a statement.

After experimenting with several concepts, Ford Australia's Research Centre produced two updates on the original jet black Ford XB coupe, designed by Nima Nourian and Simon Brook respectively.

Bringing the Interceptor into the present day involved a number of futuristic modifications.

Among the weaponry is an industrial-strength taser mounted on the bonnet to zap baddies off their bikes, wheels with extendable spikes and a titanium-lined body shell to interrupt police scanners.

The two designs feature in the current issue of TopGear Australia magazine. Readers will have the chance to vote on which model will go to the next level, with the winning car to be turned into a clay model and then a scale version.

The movie will be directed by George Miller and star Charlize Theron and Wasted On The Young actress Adelaide Clemens.

One of Ford's new takes on the Interceptor. Designed by Nima Nourian.

  1. The car looks cool but remember the film is supposed to be set in a post apocalyptic world. Where will Max get all the material from unless Ford are still in operation.

  2. Whether it’s a film or not, it should make sense. Jake is right. It should look like it’s been through a war or is made of scraps thrown together. This photo can’t be real. This looks more like that Mad Max wannabe film “The Wraith” starring Charlie Sheen. It’s way too clean and modern. The Mad Max films are high octane westerns set on some wild frontier. This car has nothing to do with that concept and would better suit a film like the “Robocop” reboot/remake.

  3. Film or not, it should make sense. Jake is right. This photo doesn’t fit the Mad Max concept at all.

  4. Well it looks ridiculous, for a post apocalyptic movie about scavenging/salvaging parts and petrol etc it should have been based on road cars from the era which is portrayed in the film not some random 1 off concept sports car lol.

  5. By the time Miller gets the ok to shoot, this design will be a few decades old, bits worn and torn, mods all over and just a small vestige of the original in it. As about as original as the show that promoted the silly idea.

    Byron and George handed the original job over to a workshop of imaginative mechanics, props folk and gas-axers.

    Now if Ford can be convinced to build up a dozen or so, then hand them over, no questions asked, then and only then can the sons and daughters of the original Interceptor (as visualised Brook and Nourian) be birthed.

    And what does it matter, the new toys are in a shed at Smithfield anyway.

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