Heaven celebrates its first year at Cremorne

A Swedish film that was passed from cinema to cinema unwanted for months last year has not only broken every record in the 72 year history of the Hayden Orpheum Cremorne, but it is about to go down in history for another reason.

Almost 40 years ago a foreign language film broke all existing records for foreign films in Sydney. It was A Man and a Woman and it ran over a year at the Lido Cinema, George Street. At long last, 40 years later, a Swedish film threatens that long held record.

The film, As It Is In Heaven, celebrates its first year of daily screenings at the Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace Cremorne on November 29th, with no end in sight.

When Paul Dravet, General Manager of the Orpheum, saw the film his reaction was immediate and the Orpheum made a commitment to the film fast.

As It Is In Heaven has defied all expectations. Its emotional impact is really something to see. A huge number of patrons return two or three times and bring friends or family for the experience. Applause at the end of each session has become the standard response. Interestingly the film has a very similar scenario to the Australian success The Choir of Hard Knocks as it is essentially about the redemptive power of singing.’

‘We have also taken on other independent films over the past 12 months that have been enormously successful including the Australian documentary 4 which ran three months, the Danish film After The Wedding three months, In Search of Mozart  last year four months and Oz doco Hepzhibah which ran five months.

‘Contrary to rumour, there is a big audience out there that want to see films with integrity and emotional honesty and we cater to that with great determination.’

To celebrate the first birthday of As It Is In Heaven this Friday evening, the Orpheum has arranged for a stage presentation and a filmed message from the two stars of the film and the director Kay Pollak, who are understandably overwhelmed by the Sydney reaction, which has not been repeated anywhere else in the world.

The Cremorne Orpheum was awarded the inaugural AIDA award at this year’s movie convention for its support of the Australian Independent Distributors.

As It Is In Heaven Special Event – Friday November 30th at 8pm.
Host: Angela Bishop.
On stage: Nordic Voices & Ambassador of Sweden.
On Screen: Messages from the films’ stars Michael Nyqvist, Frida Hallgren and the film’s director, Kay Pollak. 

Bookings for the event: at cinema 9908 4344 or on line

[release from Nix Co]

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