IF Awards launch Rising Talent and Indy Spirit

Today the 2009 Inside Film Awards announced that entries are now open for the prestigious EFilm IF Award for Rising Talent and IF Independent Spirit Award.

The Inside Film Awards recognises new talent in the Australian film industry through the presentation of the Rising Talent Award. For the third year in a row both awards are open to public entries.

Clare Sawyer, General Manager of The Inside Film Awards explains “Australia has a strong pool of talented filmmakers and we want to draw the public’s attention to them through our televised awards in November. As an industry it is essential that we have an award that celebrates the new entrants on the field; the EFilm IF Rising Talent Award does just that. The Independent Spirit Award also captures a lot of films that can slip under the radar of the mainstream. We love unearthing these little known projects that filmmakers have made off their own bat in creative ways.”

The Inside Film Awards, along with the Inside Film Magazine, has always captured the zeitgeist with its emphasis on new and talented entrants to the industry. The impressive list of previous winners of the Atlab EFilm Rising Talent award includes director Andrew Lancaster, actor Anthony Hayes and producer Kath Shelper.

The latest Rising Talent recipient is Leon Ford whose first feature is scheduled to shoot in November. His book “WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU” is scheduled to be published by Pan MacMillan Australia late in 2009.

"Two years ago we presented this award to Kath Shelper and now she has produced a feature film, SAMSON & DELILAH, that has won at Cannes. That is just brilliant and we are so happy that both IF and Efilm can make this work. " says Efilm General Manager of Creative Services Anthos Simon.

The Inside Film Awards will not be presenting the Best Unproduced Screenplay Award this year. Entries for the 2009 EFilm IF Award for Rising Talent closes on Friday 24th July 2009 and the Independent Spirit Award applications close on Monday 27th July 2009.

For full application conditions and downloadable entry forms go to the 2009 Inside Film Awards website:

The 2009 Inside Film Awards is the favourite celebration of the Australian film Industry and returns to Sydney this year. The ceremony will be held on Wednesday 18th November at a venue to be decided.