Lee Lin Chin hosts lunar new year on SBS


Want to know what LNY 2016 has in store for you?

 Lee Lin Chin has the answers…


This year SBS is doing Lunar New Year (LNY) like never before, with the help of SBS’s resident matriarch Lee Lin Chin and her Lunar New Year zodiac predictions.

Will you fall in love? Get that huge promotion? Should you avoid making big purchases or be wary of that overly friendly work colleague?

To find out, enter your date of birth into our Lee Lin Chin Lunar Zodiac Booth at to find your Lunar Zodiac animal and hear Lee Lin dispense her sage words.


She doesn’t shy away from the hard facts*, dropping life advice like:

#1: No one likes bald people

#2: If you want a lover don’t do art…artists are notoriously lonely

#3: Stop licking other people’s hair. It’s weird (here’s looking at you Tigers)


So what does Lee Lin think 2016 has in store for you?


Are you a Dragon? Stop being the pretentious hipster of the zodiac…

Horses – take good care of yourself, otherwise your friends might “lose interest in your stunning good looks and instead realise that you actually aren’t that interesting…”

Dogs, you have a trustworthy vibe this year – so it’s your chance to “take advantage of your friends and sell their car. They will forgive you in the end!”

Rabbits, “you’re known for your prudence and virtue…so you’re probably boring…”

Roosters, “I’m sorry, 2016 is going to suck”. Ditto for the Ox.


SBS is celebrating Lunar New Year throughout February with a Season of programming across TV, Radio, Online and SBS on Demand.

Head to to find out more and join in the conversation with #SBSLNY

* Disclaimer: Lee Lin Chin is not a certified astrologer and her facts should not be construed as actual facts… SBS takes no responsibility for actions taken by participants following Lee Lin Chin’s advice.

NOTE: There are 12 predictions in total, one for each sign of the Lunar Zodiac

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