Online doco series celebrating “extraordinary” women launched

Press release from Paper Plane Films

To commemorate the centenary of International Women’s Day, Melbourne filmmaker Phoebe Hartley has launched an online documentary series celebrating extraordinary women.

EXTRAORDINARY consists of eight projected episodes, with the pilot online now on a dedicated website, and the remainder to be uploaded regularly in the coming months.

The videos profile women from a broad range of backgrounds, each one a cinematic snapshot of the contemporary female experience.

In episode one we meet a young woman whose Parkour training enables her to deftly scale walls. Other subjects include a punk photographer, and a choreographer who teaches young refugees to dance.

In line with the symbolism of International Women’s Day, the diminutive documentaries, at under five minutes each, aim to recognise, celebrate and inspire women.

Directed by Phoebe Hartley and produced by Brendan Lee, the project can be viewed at: