[Release by ScreenWest]
ScreenWest invites screen industry practitioners and organisations to be part of a review into its development and production funding programs.
Key areas to be looked at include:
How do the current funding programs meet the objectives of ScreenWest’s Strategic Plan?
How do ScreenWest’s funding programs fit in the national and international screen industry financing environment?
Can the funding programs be better structured?
Can they be managed more efficiently?
You are invited to have your say by contributing material and feedback on any of the three areas being reviewed:
1. Project Development
2. Business Development and Employment Support
3. Practitioner Development
In addition, ScreenWest is seeking industry members who would like to be on a review panel. A panel is being established for each review area. Panel members will assess existing arrangements; consider input from the screen industry; and draft recommendations for the way forward.
Industry members interested in being on a panel or who wish to contribute feedback please contact Mala Sujan for further information by email or telephone (08) 9224 7346.
Panel expressions of interest and contributions close COB Friday October 24.
Review Areas:
1. Project Development Review
Focusing on Project Development Investment and ‘hothouse’ initiatives, the Project Development Review will evaluate:
the levels of success of ScreenWest’s project development programs;
options for a more integrated approach to development funding with other parts of ScreenWest’s support programs; and
the weighting given to different genres and emerging media, with reference to WA’s production base and ScreenWest’s strategic objectives.
2. Business Development and Employment Support Review
Considerable growth in the WA screen industry in recent years has increased demand on ScreenWest’s business development and employment support programs. Therefore this component of the review will consider the Producer Enterprise Packages, Practitioner Travel, and Travel and Marketing programs. It will also look at production funding support with reference to levels of local employment.
3. Practitioner Development Review
With the growth of high quality national and international production in WA there is a skills shortage, creating a need to expand the pool of experienced local crew and key creatives, and also to ensure that mid-career practitioners reach professional standards that allow them to obtain employment in WA.
This review will examine whether the current programs that provide industry and practitioner support in attachments, mentorships, courses, workshops and training are the best way to fund practitioner development, and how we can obtain the best outcomes for the industry and the individuals involved.