Sleeper sensation takes in a quarter of a million at the box office

Australia’s newest distribution companies Titan View and The Picture
Tank score their first quarter of a million dollars on their first title The
in the fifth week of its theatrical release. ‘This is only the
beginning,’ says John L Simpson of Titan View, and to make the box office top
20 list on as little as eight screens is quite an achievement.

The Age ****1/2

At the Movies ****

Sydney Morning Herald ****1/2

Adelaide Advertiser ****

The Australian ****

Canberra Times ****

The Jammed is stunning audiences with seamless performances
and a hard hitting story ? inspired by actual events ? on sex trafficking in
Melbourne. Demand for the film has been so overwhelming there will now a
special parliamentary screening this Monday in Canberra at the Dendy Canberra. 


National screening details:  

Jammed News:  

For more news:

[release from The Picture Tank / Titan View]

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