Stan Original 'Prosper', produced by Lingo Pictures, is set in the inner sanctum of the evangelical megachurch, U Star, run by the wealthy and powerful Quinn family. When their charismatic founder and pastor announces an impulsive US expansion, the collision between faith and ambition threatens to tear his family and church apart.
Richard Roxburgh and Rebecca Gibney will star opposite each other in Lingo Pictures’ Megachurch drama 'Prosper', with production underway in Sydney for Stan.
Stan and Lionsgate have announced they will take Lingo Pictures' epic family drama 'Prosper' through to commission, with production to take place in NSW.
The third season of Hoodlum's 'Five Bedrooms' will stream on Paramount+ New Year's Day.
The second season of Hoodlum Entertainment's 'Five Bedrooms' was among the key launch titles for Paramount+ as it went live in Australia this week. The streamer seems assured of its continued success, with production already underway on a third in Melbourne.
ABC's 'Rosehaven' welcomes viewers to the green rolling hills of Tasmania for one final season in the small town we’ve all come to know and love.
The ABC has ordered a fifth season of Luke McGregor and Celia Pacquola's comedy 'Rosehaven', with production to kick off in Tassie next month.
Glendyn Ivin’s true-life drama 'Penguin Bloom' has been hailed as a feel-good crowdpleaser infused with an unexpected pathos after its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.