A family film co-produced by Ridley Scott, a live action/animated children’s anthology and features directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and first-timers Corrie Chen and Vanessa Gazy have received development funding from Screen Australia.
Australia’s SBS, US cable network Epix and TVNZ are among a host of broadcasters that have acquired 'Deep State', an international spy thriller co-directed by Robert Connolly.
Robert Connolly refers to Arenamedia as a boutique, director-driven production company, but it’s just gotten a lot bigger and more globally-focused.
David Wenham and executive producer Robert Connolly are hitting the road for a series of Q&A event screenings of their innovative micro-budget feature 'Ellipsis'.
Daniel Henshall and Toby Wallace are playing the leads in 'Acute Misfortune', a biopic of the acclaimed Australian painter Adam Cullen, who battled drugs and alcoholism and died in 2012, aged 46.
After directing '1922', a gothic drama adapted from a Stephen King story for Netflix, Zak Hilditch plans to write and direct a thriller set during a pandemic in Perth.
LevelK has reteamed with Arenamedia on producer Robert Connolly's upcoming feature Spear.