Writer-director Sarah Spillane's debut film Around the Block will test the viability of a short window between theatrical and home entertainment release.
A story of love, revenge, and triumph, an Aboriginal boy is torn between his unexpected love of acting and the disintegration of his family.
The list of Australian films released in US cinemas so far this year is short and, on the surface, unimpressive.
Sarah Spillane will direct True Spirit, a feature about teenager Jessica Watson's solo around-the-world sailing adventure.
Australian feel-good film Around the Block, starring Christina Ricci, has begun filming this week in Sydney
Before the world premiere of Sarah Spillane's Around the Block at the Toronto International Film Festival, producer Brian Rosen predicted its young lead, Hunter Page-Lochard, will become Australia's premier indigenous filmmaker in the next 10 years.
The rhetorical question addressed by a panel at the Australian Directors Guild conference in Sydney on Thursday was: Do We Really Need Directors?
Six Australian films will screen at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) next month following the overnight announcement that Around the Block and Canopy have been selected.