'The Demon Disorder', a horror feature written, directed, and produced by long-time special effects designer Steve Boyle, has begun filming in Queensland.
Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to film and TV first AD Jamie Leslie, who died on Friday from cancer. He was 61.
The Spierig brothers’ supernatural thriller Winchester has raked in more than $US50 million at cinemas worldwide, dwarfing the Australian gross of $870,000.
Michael and Peter Spierig’s supernatural thriller 'Winchester' and Stephen Amis’ comedy' The BBQ' clearly are aimed at different demographics, so that does not explain why neither cut through last weekend.
US critics went gunning for the Spierig brothers' supernatural thriller 'Winchester.'
The Spierig brothers wrote the script with Tom Vaughn ('Unstoppable') and are reuniting with several of their 'Predestination' crew, such as DP Ben Nott and editor Matt Villa.