‘Tiny Oz’ (Trailer)

Northern Pictures’ three-part series Tiny Oz, premiering April 19 on the ABC, sees comedian Jimmy Rees and miniature artist JoAnne Bouzianis-Sellick guide audiences a miniature recreation of of extraordinary moments in Australia’s history.

Local artisans across Australia have accepted the challenge to hand-build tiny tableaus that represent intriguing events which have all but vanished from living memory.

Historical events and places that will be recreated include: the once bustling pearling town of Broome, a hot air balloon launch that fascinated and scandalised the people of Adelaide, and the hundreds of exotic animals that were escorted through Sydney streets in 1916, en-route to their brand-new home at Taronga Zoo.

Tosca Looby is the series producer and director, with Karina Holden executive producer. ABC executive producer is Kalita Corrigan.