Cinema advertising proven to have six times the engagement of TV

Press Release from Paul Butler

Val Morgan has today released proof that the unique experience and viewing environment of cinema
combines to deliver six times the impact and engagement of the same advertising on television.

The release of the research findings are particularly timely with multi-tasking and ad avoidance behavior
redefining how media is consumed and an increasing concern for advertisers across all media channels.
Val Morgan CEO Damian Keogh said, “The power and impact of Cinema is well recognised, this is the
first research in Australia that quantifies the value that Cinema’s unique environment has relative to
other media. It challenges media buyers, strategists and advertisers to look beyond reach and frequency
and think about the real viewing environment and in turn the true value of the media they are using.”
The results were compiled from research conducted on ads breaking at the same time on both cinema
and television, on line interviews were conducted the day after the ads appeared amongst people with
an opportunity to see the ad on Cinema or TV.

Val Morgan Marketing Director Paul Butler outlined the key results, “The Cinema audience were 6 times
more likely to recall key aspects of the ads than the TV audience, demonstrating that cinema advertising
generates six times the ad memory and six times the engagement of TV. Virtually all (96%) the cinema
audience were present for the advertising pre-show, whilst ad avoidance and multi-tasking behavior was
the norm whilst the TV was on. These results show Cinema has a key role to play in amplifying an
advertiser’s screen strategy, delivering engagement, impact and cut-through at a level that no other
media can match.”

The research was conducted by Australia Online Research involving over 800 interviews amongst people
exposed to an ad on either Cinema or Television. Brian Fine CEO of Australia Online Research said; “The
study set out to provide an objective comparison of the relative impact and communication power of an
ad seen in cinema compared to television. We used proven recall as a measure of ad communication, a
rigorous measure of ad cut through to demonstrate the relative engagement and communication power
of the two media.”