Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries back for a third season

Essie Davis will once again be stepping into the shoes of Miss Phryne Fisher as the popular ABC series has been renewed for a third season.

Set in the 1920s and based on the Kerry Greenwood’s best-selling novels, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries revolves around the life of glamorous private detective Miss Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis).

“We’re so thrilled to be able to deliver this next series,” says co-producer Fiona Eagger. “We have such a loyal fan base that has been so persistent in their loyalty and their need for more Miss Fisher, to be able to give them a third season is a wonderful feeling. I think, for [co-producer Deb Cox] and I, [the loyal fan base] has been an incredible inspiration to keep going.”

Eagger confirmed to IF the much-loved cast would all be returning, and even hinted at some of the plot points for season three.

“We’ve got magic in the next one and we’d like to do one in the military. There’s no end to the inspiration,” she says. “You never know- there might be a wedding!”

“It’s a tough time for the ABC so we are thrilled they are able to bring us back, and to have that support from Film Victoria as well.”

First broadcast on ABC1 on 24 February 2012, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries was an immediate hit, with an average of 1.4million viewers per episode.
In 2013, Series Two maintained its popularity, with an average of 1.5 million viewers per episode, 14% of which was time-shifted viewing.

The show has also been hugely popular internationally, selling to more than 120 overseas territories, including USA, Canada, France, the UK and Asia and Latin America.

“It’s great that this very quintessential Australian character is taking the world by storm,” says Eagger. “I really do think she is a very attractive heroine. She’s the female Australian version of James Bond.”

The third series is currently being written and will start shooting in mid-October in Melbourne.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is produced by Every Cloud Productions. ABC Executive Producers, Carole Sklan and Sue Masters. Executive Producers and Producers: Fiona Eagger and Deb Cox.

  1. Excellent news! I have been checking regularly to see if this wonderful series was going to be renewed. Made my day!

  2. Any idea when we can expect it to be shown & will it definitely be available in the UK again… pleeease?
    So happy to hear there will definitely be a series 3, now just impatiently waiting for transmission.

  3. I love this show so much, and the original novels. Incredibly happy it will be back for another series!

  4. Love Miss Fisher so much, watched all episodes and also purchased dvd’s. Looking forward to series three – a great show to watch and the scenery etc excellent. Essie Davis wonderful in the part – keep up the good work.

  5. Thank you for letting us know about season 3..totally addicted to Miss happy she sashayed into our lives.

  6. Thank you so much for letting us know there is going to be a third series of Miss Fisher its the best thing on TV.
    i have watched every episode and then i bought the full series.

  7. So happy to hear the news of a third series!!! Love everything about the show. Please do not mess with the dynamic- I think many of the fans would stop watching if you change the wonderful relationship between Jack and Phryne. By all means let them fall more in love but don’t break them up!

  8. Love Miss Fisher. Possible to watch production in person?also is it possible to shot any in Ballarat.?

  9. As an American viewer totally addicted to this amazingly wonderful series, this news makes my heart soar. I love, love, love Miss Fisher and all her wonderful cohorts. I have turned several friends and family members on to Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, and they will all be very happy too. My only dismay is that I will have to wait a very long time before Season 3 comes to America. But I bought Seasons 1 and 2 and can watch them over and over again. And I see something new each time I do.

  10. I have been waiting with great anticipation for this news. This series is literally a treasure. I am elated! I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a program as much as Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.

  11. I am so happy my local PBS station picked it up. I saw many ads during commercial breaks and never gave it a try until I watched it once by accident. Watched every episode since then and needless to say, I am a huge fan now. Anyone know how to support the show when you are not in Australia?

  12. Cheers from the USA. I’m soooo incredibly happy that this series has been renewed. I wish that some station here would air it on their broadcast so that they can gain a bigger fanbase. What a fantastic series this show is!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Great news, we love Miss Fisher. They need to get that guy who played the gravedigger in Miss Fisher Series 2. I think his name is Paul de Freitas. He was great, really set off the show. Good luck in series 3.

  14. So happy there will be a season 3! I love this program. I can’t wait to see it in the U.S. Thank you so much for posting this information.

  15. Brilliant show – so much elegance and class.
    (Glad to see my taxes being used wisely for a change).

  16. Here in Florida I discovered Miss Fisher on Netflix earlier this year and of course watched all episodes available to me. A couple of weeks ago my best friend, in the NYC area, texted me and suggested a ‘new’ show that she was watching on PBS. I freaked! Now we have added Miss Fisher to our Sherlock, Endeavour and Doc Martin production/broadcast watch. We love her! We think she holds her own with the above ‘big boys’

  17. SOOO happy to hear this fantastic show is back! I agree with Barbara that we’ll have to wait a very long time to see it here in the US, but no doubt it will be worth the wait!
    As someone who spent nearly 20 years in theater I can say that Miss Fisher is one of the best shows out there!! I’m very particular, but you never disappoint! The scripts and acting are amazing, the sets and costumes are very well executed, and the lighting, camera work, editing, and music all come together to make every episode feel like a feature film. Well done!
    Thanks so much, ABC, for listening to your viewers and bringing it back. If there’s any way for us to help with funding, please let us know because I’d gladly contribute to keep this show alive for years to come!

  18. Absolutely love this series! The detail in the sets, the clothes, the scripts are top notch. The actors are PERFECT for their roles. I live in the United States and am beyond thrilled that there is to be a third series. I own the first two series and never tire watching them. Keep the series rolling along – it is a great Australian export!

  19. we enjoy this series very much,as do many of our Canadian friends.
    We heard a rumour that you were changing the shows format to appeal to younger viewers.
    We hope you haven’t.

  20. I’m so excited. I was becoming really angry at the ABC thinking that they would drop this beloved show. This has restored my faith in the Australian film industry

  21. My husband and I have watched every episode. Since we bought the DVD’s for season 1 and 2 after seeing them on our PBS station we now dole them out for an evening “treat” [because we really don’t enjoy watching anything on mainstream TV!] So we are delighted to hear there will be a Season 3!!

  22. I absolutely love this series. There are such few quality shows here in America. Essie Davis is just fantastic in her acting. I love the time period and it is so well done it’s enthralling. The quality of this show is that of “Midsomer Murders.” I hope “Miss Fisher’s Murders” is made for many seasons to come!!

  23. I love this series and October is much too long to wait for it to come back. I love the style of Miss Fisher, she is so elegant and poised at all times, even when threatened with her untimely demise. A true role model for all us ‘wannabe Miss Fishers’.

  24. YES! Another happy viewer, and as for ABC wanting a younger audience, I already know of a lot of 20-somethings here in the U.S. who are avid watchers. Also not sure what the execs logic is concerning that, don’t older viewers spend more? “Miss Fisher’s” appeals to all, old, young, guys, & gals! Heck even my cat likes it:-) Keep those seasons coming & thanks to cast & crew too!

  25. I’ve read all the novels and loved them, then found the TV show on Netflix, what a thrill, couldn’t wait for Season 2, I bought the CDs. Now I can’t wait for Season 3.

  26. Absolutely love this show, can’t wait for Season 3, I hope it won’t be too long before it is shown in Adelaide.

  27. Yaaaa wonderful news the clothes the magic the eyes and the laughs -the best thank you soo much!

  28. I am looking forward to watching season 3. I have enjoyed seasons 1&2.The show is just as wonderful as poirot. Hope there will be many more seasons in the near future.

  29. I am another American viewer. I am very happy that I bought Series 1 & 2. I have juat finished watching series 2 for the second time, as I did series 1. The series is marvelous; Essie’s “costumes” make the show. I am so thrilled that there will be a series 3 and hope the series will have a “long run”. Please send me an email when series 3 is available for purchase.

  30. On behalf of my wife and myself,we really love miss Fisher.Me for the action and her for the fashions.Can’t wai for the first episode.

    Warmest wishes to Miss Fisher and Cast

  31. Have read all the books and just love the TV series so very glad the series are continuing . Love the actors they really bring the show to life for me and I know many other’s.

  32. There are many admirers of Miss Fisher and co here in Washington DC, USA. So excited a new season is being filmed! We love the show and the setting. 🙂

  33. I love Kerry Greenwood’s Phyrne Fisher books and love the series on television. Cannot wait to see Season three when it comes out. Phyrne although a fictional character, is so inspirational to me.

  34. Pleased to hear there is a 3rd series. I really enjoy Series 1 and 2 here in British Columbia, Canada. I have contacted the Knowledge Network to inform them that series 3 is coming. Hopefully they will air it in 2015.

  35. A huge “Thank You!” from the US. Got hooked on Jack & Phryne last year. Then I got my 21 yr old daughter hooked. I watched first on Acorn TV and then bought the DVD’s so I could take them on vacation with me to share with family and friends. Now my brother and several friends are also loving “Miss Fisher”. Waiting with bated breath for series 3–the costumes, the chemistry, the terrific historical backstories.

  36. I am so glad miss fisher is coming back to the UK screens. Have loved both series so can’t wait for the third.

  37. My husband and I love miss fisher. She is a class act and the other characters are wonderful too. We look forward to a third year. We absolutely love tv out of Britain and Australia. They are all such high quality.

  38. SO happy to hear this news! Discovered the show on Netflix, and it was instant love. Everything about it is wonderful! I’m in the USA so I hate having to wait so long, but at least I know it will continue. I love all the relationships, love how Miss Fisher is so liberated for her time, and so fearless. I do wish that she and Jack would make love though. I know he’s more the marrying type, and she’s not, but I don’t see why they can’t be lovers!

  39. Love, this show discovered it on Netflix then brought the blu ray set. So happy it’s coming back for a third season. I hope and pray for fourth, fifth and sixth season as well.

  40. Congrats on 3rd season from Washington, DC! Loved Kerry Greenwood’s books for years and thrilled that they have been brought to life so excellently…. Essie nd cast are perfection and the clothes are truly breathtaking each episode.

    As for those who mention wanting to encourage more – if from U.S., support your local PBS stations as these are ones that carry program here in U.S.

  41. So very glad to hear that it will be back for a third season! I just love this so. I hope their are many more seasons to come.

  42. BRILLIANT my wife and I are looking forward to this coming out on DVD in England, loved the other 2 series. The acting and production values are top notch and the characters portrayed by the stars are totally believable.

  43. Such good news. Of course, we can’t see it broadcast here in Houston, Texas, but sure will be buying the dvd set when it comes out! Thanks for putting it out in a format we can watch here. It’s a pure delight and Kerry Greenwood is one of my favorite authors.

  44. I live in San Francisco, am 87 years old, and hope season 3, with Jack and Miss Fisher finally getting together on DVD will occur before I die!

  45. So happy to hear they will be back for Season 3. I have been watching on Acorn TV as I live in Florida and thoroughly enjoy the series. Love all the characters/actors!

  46. So pleased Miss Fisher is coming back just want to know when. The clothes are fabulous as us Essie and the cast.

  47. Thank you for the third season from Caledonia, New York. Have bought the DVDs and watched the first two seasons repeatedly. I love everything about this show……great acting, amazing costumes, and wonderfully involved plots.

  48. This is a wonderful show. My wife loves the outfits and I am impressed with the old vehicles and the amazing buildings. Do not dumb this show down for the kids. This is an adult show. Keep it that way and it will continue to be an international hit! Can’t wait until Season 3.

  49. How bizarre!in these liberated TV days. A series that does not contain scenes of: a)extreme violence, b)squeamish murders, c)over sexual behaviour, d)foul language, still manages to pull in one of the largest viewing audiences across the globe.
    It goes to show you do not need any of the above.
    All you need is: a)an authentic period setting, b)well chosen actors c)a good storyline d)a plot that twists and turns. Et voila! you have a hit on your hands.
    Well done Australia!!!!! for producing such a wonderful original,detective series.
    Here in the UK we are eagerly awaiting on series 3 for the next enthralling episodes.

  50. Miss Fisher, you have 2 big fans in California. My wife and I loved the first two seasons and we will be anxiously waiting for season 3 in the USA.

  51. My husband & I borrowed these DVDs from the library and absolutely love this series. I am so happy that someone is still making quality entertainment and soon we’ll be able to watch more Miss Fisher!

  52. I’m so excited to see that there is a season 3 to the
    Miss Fisher series. The character played by Essie Davis is so intriging and and Miss Davis portrays her flamboyance with such exquiste gesters that most women
    want to be her. Thank you for the update

  53. My husband and I love this show. One of the PBS stations in Tampa shows it on Friday nights and we haven’t missed one show. So glad to hear it has been renewed for a 3rd season. We just watched “Framed for Murder” (season 2, ep.9) last night. What fun!

  54. Thank you to the Australian fans of Miss Fisher for making it popular long enough for the US to notice! Can’t wait for Season Three! I hope they don’t mess with the formula. Keep the flirting and crime solving.

  55. Please, please rush production on more of these glorious shows. They have taken the US by storm, and we’ve watched both seasons over and over. Best thing on tv or movies. More, please? Forever!

  56. Number 1 fan in the Volunteer State! Love the clothes, the chemistry between Jack and Phryne, the story lines and everything about the series. I cannot wait for season 3.

  57. I live in the USA and just recently signed on with Netflix and discovered Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Watched all of Season 1 in 2 days and immediately purchased Season 2 on DVD. Have watched several of the episodes again that are my favorites. The acting, clothing, etc. are all outstanding. Especially love the chemistry between Phryne & Jack. Hope this becomes more intense with Season 3.

  58. Essie Davis is brilliant. It’s as if Phryne Fisher walked out of the pages of the books. I discovered the DVDs before the show hit American TV and I just had to go and buy the books to read the original stories. I can’t wait for Season 3. I hope the series goes on for years to come. The entire cast is excellent. Kudos to Australian TV.

  59. Great characters, great wardrobe, excellent acting,
    looking forward to series 3 on dvd, so I can watch them more than once! Thanks for another series!

  60. I am thrilled to learn that Miss Fisher is coming back for a third season! I live in Florida. I signed up to ABC1 just so I could watch season 2. I couldn’t waite for my PBS station to pick it up! I cancelled as soon as I finished the second season and discovered it was cancelled. There was no reason to continue paying if there was no more Phryne. Now I am rewatching season 2 on PBS here in the US and loving it. I’m not sure if ABC1 aires this the same time as in Australia but I will sign up again if it does! I think it is an Australian channel. Hope so. Can’t waite!

  61. I made a mistake on my earlier comment. It was Acorn Tv that I was paying monthly in order to watch Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries not ABC1.

  62. just to say I think miss fisher’s murder mysteries are absolutely great, I’m so glad there is going to be a third series, and I do hope the alibi channel on sky will take up the third series like they with one and two

  63. I am completely delighted that Miss Fisher is returning for a third series. Congradualtions! And my deepest thanks to Acorn television for making this happen plus all of the other many wonderful and delightful movies Acorn provides. This is what television ought to be.

  64. So pleased that Miss Fisher is doing a third series l thoroughly enjoyed the first two. Hope it will be shown in the UK?

  65. Was thinking about ditching Acorn TV because I thought I had exhausted the menu then came across the series. Looks like I’ll be keeping my subscription for a while. Loved the show and the cast. Great stories and characters. Also love the cars, the clothes and the romance. Keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to the 3rd season.

  66. Yay! So pleased. I love this. Cant wait for the third series. Thank you so much for bringing it back, can we have it in the UK quickly?!

  67. I am so glad to hear the season 3 is under way. I watch the shows on PBS and thank God there is a PBS or I would not be able to watch. Some nights there are 2 episodes on on 2 different channels at differect times which is a huge BONUS. I love everything about this well done, well dressed, well acted series!! Keep them coming please.

  68. Can’t wait for the 3rd season! Found this on Acorn and now it’s on PBS here in the states, just LOVE this series! Keep up the great adventures.

  69. I join the chorus of cheers for a 3rd season of Miss Fisher! Just finished marathon watching of both seasons on Acorn TV and now experiencing serious withdrawal. Hope the next season will be available soon!

  70. Absolutely fantastic news!! So so pleased this has been given a third series.Can’t wait to see it in the UK.

  71. Oh I am so excited about a series 3!!! My husband and I absolutely love everything about the show! We are Americans so we don’t have such incredibly beautiful, smart, richly textured TV shows and we so appreciate them! Cannot wait!

  72. Aloha from Hawaii!
    I am thrilled as many of us here in the Aloha state to see Miss Fisher coming back! We were so afraid after the length of time passed by from the ending of series 2 and no evidence of another series was coming. I even wrote to the show and begged for another series and was told that they had many other options they wanted to pursue that it was not likely. I believe that the many fans who demanded more Phryne did the trick. Their is a huge audience in Hawaii who love this quality show and are thrilled to see series 3 and maybe more after that? This is a type of program that has it all, perfect characters with the correct stars in the roles, fabulous storylines and interesting historical scenery. It is a masterpiece and needs to be continued. Thanks to all who brought it back!
    Me Ke Aloha!

  73. I bumped into Miss Fisher by accident when I signed up for Netflix. I became enchanted with the 1929 “modern woman” mysteries. I live in Denver, Colorado, USA, and still see the struggle for women to be accepted as equals – the modern woman battle continues.

    I bought the DVD’s for both seasons and cried after watching the last episode knowing that the series had been cancelled. Since then I’ve watched every episode 7 times, and soon will start on number 8. Somehow the day isn’t complete without Essie doing something outrageous to upset Jack. Essie Davis is marvelous and has the character down pat. The photography is excellent and the directing and production is a pleasure to watch and enjoy.

    I am so excited at the prospect of a third season that I want to jump up and shout – THANK YOU!


  74. I loved the books and I love the TV show. Essie Davis is perfect! I subscribe to Acorn just to watch this show! Looking forward to the third season

  75. Hello from Canada. I love this show. I love the Miss Fisher character. I started watching last year and I am so glad a 3rd season is happening. You really shouldn’t ever stop making them.

  76. Yay! I’m mid-season 2 on Netflix, just finding out that Season 3 is in the works. Love the books (bought all of them, in Kindle versions). Miss Fisher is one of the many fab TV shows from around the world that the good old isolationist USA would never see if not for the internet. Wake up, American TV moguls – you could make TV this good if you wanted to.

  77. I am soooooooooooo, happy, happy, happy,that Miss Fisher and the cast are back for season3.I love everything about it especially all the beautiful fashions and the georgeous glassware,china and furnishings.Congratulations to the people who source these beautiful old wares.I hope to see a little more romance between Phryne and Jack also.I can’t wait to see it,thankyou Abc for listening to the fans. Cheryl Clark

  78. What a great show, can’t wait for season 3, the cast, costumes, & dialogue are wonderful. Even though the times & traditions were so different in that era, Phryne is a woman ahead of her time, leading the way for all of us to follow, a great example of the modern woman. The show is a credit to the writers, technicians, actors & all involved in the making of the show. Also, seeing the accolades in the previous posts from America, Canada & England is a great reflection on the quality TV productions we can do in Australia

  79. So very happy there will be a third season, I just finished season 2 on Netflix. I adore Essie Davis, she is so beautiful and the clothes to die for. Essie wears them to perfection. I think the whole cast are perfect. I just read her designer won a big award in Australia for her designs on this series. Bravo to the Australian Co. that produces this wonderful production. I hope it runs for many more years.

  80. I absolutely love this show, love the actors, the costumes are spectacular, everything about it is great. I think Essie Davis is so pretty and all the characters are perfectly entertaining. Watch it here in the states on Netflix and cant wait for Season 3 to be aired!!

  81. Miss Fisher Mysteries is the best that I’ve seen. I thought season 1 was really awesome but season 2 was even better. You deffinately got the right people. I can’t imagine anyone else playing their parts. I can’t wait till Season 3 and many more.

  82. I am from Texas and totally love this show, even my husband watches it. I live in a 1895 small Victorian & want to decorate like she did in her home. Never take this off the air. I am ordering both 2012 & 2013 dvds from Barnes & Noble.

  83. I am absolutely excited about Miss Fischers Murder Mysteries. I enjoyed the variety of plots. But I would like for Jack to need Phyrne to save him. And for her to show how affected she feels about him being injured by the ordeal. I would like the competition of other women to have her motivated by her heart, especially when Jacks old girlfriend or even his ex wife make moves in his direction.

    A couple of plots
    Military hazing and the true problems with it.
    Why did a troubled girl commit suicide.
    How progress doesn’t stop for anyone
    How Phyrne really decided to become a detective, and not just crusading to find her abducted sister.
    Racial relations strained but hopeful for that time.

  84. Just finished Season 2 and spent the days after pining after for more. Than I found out season 3 is back on!! I am so excited!!! It’s such a great cast and storyline. Well the whole productions is so put together! I look forward to a new season!!

  85. If Jack and Phyrne don’t get upfront and personal, the whole story line will become intelligence-interruptus. The wonderful chemistry between the two must be consummated and explored or just be “bored to death”. Nice chance for some deapth coupled with fun!

  86. Hello from India. We discovered this mighty fine series on a visit to Australia and now we are attempting to purchase all the cds produced so far. Long may Miss Fisher remain!

  87. I am so happy to see that season 3 of this wonderful production is underway. This is something to really look forward to. Thank you to all who participate in this show.

  88. I just recently bumped into Miss Fisher on Netflix in the States. I must say I am so happy that are starting a new season. The clothing, the cars and just the whole ambiance of the show makes me wish I could go back in time to the “Roaring 20’s”. Great show! Love the actors and actresses! Can’t wait for season 3! Keep up the good work!

  89. I like murder mysteries and when I found, Miss Fishers murder mysteries, it didn’t take me long to get into them. I Absolutely love it. Watching them on Netflix no interruptions it was great. Can’t wait for season 3. I don’t know how long it takes to get to Netflix, but you can bet I’ll be looking for it. The show is fabulous keep it coming.

  90. Love from America! Love the series and will be waiting with baited breath for season three to come to the United States ( California to be precise)!

  91. I, like everyone else am THRILLED that there is a third season. I stumbled upon Miss Fisher on our local PBS channel.I am totally hooked on this show. Now my husband is hooked. As we watched the show last night, he said, we need to make this our every Thursday ‘Date Night’.
    I hope this show has many more seasons.
    But PLEASE don’t mess with any of the characters. They and their relationships with each other are perfect the way they are now. Love this show in America.

  92. I just finished a viewing fest on Netflix over the weekend and caught up with Season 2. I’m thrilled to learn that there is a Season 3 in the works. ABC don’t give up on this series. Even those of us that can’t watch it in real time are loyal fans….

  93. Great program. Continue to watch series 1 and 2 over and over. Anxious for series 3 to air in the US on PBS.

    Best regards,

  94. I LOVE the show!!! I watched it on Netflix in the USA. I’m SOOOO HAPPY that Miss Fisher and Jack will be back for a third season! When will season 3 be available?

  95. I wonder what producers Eaggers and Cox did once they ran out of Greenwood’s books and short stories to adapt as screenplays? There are only twenty Phryne Fisher novels after all, and there have already been twenty-six episodes. Is Greenwood still actively involved in the screen writing and plot creation?

  96. YEAH!! I cant wait to wantch series 3 then add to DVD collection exhibition of clothes I saw in Sydney was great. Thanks to Kerry Greenwood for creating such a fantastic character thanks for the short stories for extra story lines. Heard there was a short story of The Hon in later life but cant track a copy down

  97. When can we expect it to come to the U.S. I just finished both seasons on Netflix in like 3 days haha I’m addicted!!!! I love Niss. Fisher and Jack!

  98. I was elated when “New episodes” appeared under Miss Phryne’s logo on Netflix, and I have already watched Season 2 (except the last and Christmas episode that I’ve been saving) several times. As with everyone else, I love the characters, the clothing, the setting and the plot lines. It was a wonderful Christmas gift to read today that a third season is on its way. My seven year old granddaughter and I love watching this together – especially now that Netflix is not streaming her other favorite “Rosemary and Thyme”. It is great to have such quality TV to share.

  99. Love this show. Found it on Netflix & watched all of season 1 in one day. I’ve seen all of season 2 I need a season 3 fix!!!!

  100. So glad it’s returning again, just watching the re-runs and thought it was a shame it wasnt coming back, which I heard and then decided to look again this year and happy to see its coming back. It’s a great show and really enjoy it. Love the music to.

  101. Thrilled to hear of a 3rd season!
    In addition to the two lovely, but reluctant turtledoves in the leads, I particularly love Miss Phryne’s close helpers at home; Dot and Mr. Butler, with constable-fiancee Hugh and the dear pair of handy fellas, are too good to be true. I just love it when they are in the authentic and adorable kitchen!

    Well, we do love your recipe for this show, please don’t change it one bit, (or perhaps a slightly less harsh version of the start theme? Wanna love my fav themes.. but not so!

  102. Best show in the world. The entire cast is flawless and the charisma between Phryne and the sexy dashing Jack Robinson is unbelievable. I hope you are planning a fourth season.(Please)
    I live in the USA and watch Miss Fisher on Netflix and because of this show the price is worth every penny.
    How many episodes in season 3?

  103. Another voice from the USA that says Hooray! An all around top-notch, delightful show. Will be waiting eagerly for its appearance on Netflix.

  104. Thank you sooooo! much I was devastated when they did not pick this show up for another season. I just found out that there will be a season 3 I have been on the phone ever since to tell all my friends. The best show Australia has produced.

  105. Very happy there is to be a season three. Saw the first two seasons on PBS San Francisco and also purchased the DVDs. Great work Aussies!

  106. My husband and I are serious Netflix fans of Miss Fisher in the USA. We are elated that there will be a third season. What an amazing performance by Essie Davis and all the others in the cast. Great acting, great writing, wonderful twists, beautiful sets and costumes, excellent emotional tension between Miss Fisher and Jack. Keep up the superior quality of this wonderful series. Thanks for Season 3!

  107. Delighted there will be a third season. So happy Netflix has been carrying this wonderful series for us here in the USA. Can’t wait to see the next adventures of Miss Phryne Fisher!

  108. What a find! I was delighted to find this series on Netflix. As a mystery buff I’m always eager to find as many as I can , but this one with its wonderful characters and oh those clothes and esquisite female lead, I’m in heaven. As someone whose whole life has been in fashion and whose heart has been in the past this is nirvana. I have to say that the one thing that captivates me most ,is her hair. It might seem silly but that hair style has always been my dream one. I hope the stylists on the show appreciate that their contribution makes such an impact.

  109. Love the show. Wish there was a way to carry it in the USA as well. I’ll be on the edge of my seat until season 3 is released on Netflix.

  110. This is so awesome this series – I love the clothes the bantering between Fannie and Decective how they get together sometime

  111. I am a huge fan of the series. I looove Essie Davis and I have never had a “favorite” actress or an actor – but now I do!!! Please keep it going and let us know asap when it will actually be available – also please keep it going beyond season 3 as it will be too short(way shorter than other two).

  112. Absolutely fantastic show. Phryne’s costumes are stunning. Will we find out what has really happened to Murdoch foyle and the disappearance of Jane? Roll on series 3…4…5…6 😉

  113. Great news . Love this show. So glad the abc are making series three. It has a cult following and Eddie Davis is brilliant in her role . Can’t wait to see series three.

  114. Please hurry up and show this new series on British tv. It is so much better than all the blood and gore new detective tv shows.

    Essie is brilliant as the rich, lady detective who is ahead of her time.

  115. Hot Damn!
    I am a serious fan of the series…sets, dialogue,characters…all blend so well into a fascinating world, with the seriously most elegant and breathtaking automobiles and Heroines!
    Such a modern woman!

  116. Three sisters and myself are so looking forward to the third series. Essie Davis, is a terrific actress and so convincing playing the part of Phryne! Loved the scenes in the Christmas in July episode and Murder on the Ballarat Train. Hope there will be more of the up and coming child actors coming into the series. Great to see the talent so far!

  117. I loved the show the first time I saw–except for Miss Fisher’s immorality! She is smart, beautiful and compassionate. I love the way she takes in anyone who needs help. But taking men to her bed whenever she pleases cheapens her value as a woman. She’s not a good role model to young women. The story lines are great and I love the “look” of the show–the clothes, cars, houses, etc. Jack is a great character with integrity. I wish Phryne had his integrity. I hope the next season will show a little more humility and morality in Phryne.

  118. My goodness Jessica, if you feel that way about the show, please don’t read the books. You won’t see humility OR your version of morality in Phryne. She is what she’s been written to be.

  119. We love this series!! My husband and I watch it on our local PBS channel in San Diego, CAl. We also watched all of season 1 and 2 on Netflix. It’s a really captivating show with a mesmerizing ensemble of actors. Yes, we want to see continued fascinating story lines and developing relationships, especially between Phryne and Jack. They’re a great pair of actors! We love all of them and can’t wait to see more!! Congratulations to the writers and directors and everyone associated with this series. It’s one of the best ever in all of TV history!

  120. I fell in love with the girls and series after watching the first show on Netflix. It kind of shows what the 1920s was all about, I for one like the fact not everything pomp and starch back then, I mean bedroom romps. I like that she (Phyne) has heart when it comes to people. At 70 years old, I sort of compare her to a female Sherlock and a lady with smarts like Marple. Glad you guy’s are back for a third round, as us old boxers used to say.

  121. Miss Fisher was most elegant and clever. I fell in love with the series and I cannot wait to see the third season. I hope to continue watching as I reside in North Carolinaand I too recently found the series on Netglix. My fiance and I adore every character and episode. I have watched the series over and over with anticipation! Thank you to each and every person who has had/have a part in such a brilliantly sexyand mezmerisingly vibrant series! More, please!!

  122. My husband and I picked up Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries on Netflix. Love everything about the series. It’s well written and acted by the entire cast. Phryne’s clothes are gorgeous. The music is great. Can’t wait for season 3!!!

  123. I try not to miss this fantastic series.Tonight I had to babysit grands and missed it. I am so bummed. trying to find it on the internet but so far no luck. I am an big fan. love this show. I watch it on a PBS station one from Canada and one from Ohio. I am lucky to have 3 PBS stations. I love them all.Thanks for this serfies

  124. I discovered the series on Netflix recently and watched every episode one after the other so please hurry with the third season. I am 75 so don’t wait too long. Thanks from North Carolina.

  125. Best news of the day! The whole ensemble cast are terrific. As are the stories, production values, locations – and the period detail even outscores Poirot.
    Haven’t seen it on British TV – read the books and was overjoyed find the sheer p**s elegant quality when I bought the DVDs. Best new drama series I saw last year. That’s saying something – as I do love Montalbano! Like others here, I’ve been regularly checking out Amazon and Acorn Media to hear news of series three. Thank you Producers and team. Most of all, great news that the regular cast are to be all together again.

  126. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love this show. All the characters, costumes, set design, music, etc., etc., etc. are phenomenal. Beyond Miss Phryne Fisher, Mr. Butler is my favorite. Keep up the good work!

  127. Looking forward to the new season. I have see all Miss Fisher episodes twice and that is coming from someone who ordinarily does not watch a lot of television.

  128. Absolutely superb acting,staging,writing,costuming,suspense and Aussie geography and topography!!!! More,more,more PLEASE!!!!

  129. I love the show, great story, great acting, amazing cast and design, very posh and classical.

    Jack and Miss Fisher need to have more romance time, love the way they look at each other. I would like to see Miss Fisher feel jealous when Jack sees other women and fight for Jack’s love. Jack also needs to show more of his feelings and get the courage to kiss her, we are all dying to watch the first real kiss and love scene.

    Miss Fisher is such a unique character, funny, witty, childlike at times and Jack is such a noble, gentle and handsome man. I love the moments when they show care for each other in a subtle way.

    Looking forward to season 3, please let us know when the first episode will air in 2015.

  130. Great chemistry between Jack and Phryne, it would be great to see Phryne more interested in Jack’s life, like where he lives, having dinner and drinks at his place, getting to know each other at a more personal level, going out on dates like having a picnic together, strolling along the beach, dancing, having candlelight dinners. It would be interesting to see Phryne reactions when Jack takes other women on dates as well, since now he is a single man.
    Fabulous show, waiting for season 3′ hope is soon.

  131. Discovered the show on Netflix last year and got hooked immediately. Just started watching i again. The clothes are beautiful!! The characters interesting and endearing. Would love to see Phryne and Jack get together!! So happy to hear there is a third season!!!

  132. Absolutely love this series! Found it by accident on Netflix but now am anxiously waiting 3rd season! Best series I have seen in a long time! Love the main characters……can’t wait to see what happens next! Jack-Phryne finally realize they are in love? Dot-Hugh get married? A love interest for Mr Butler? Love this show!!!

  133. Ditto everything all have said! I can only get Phryne on Netflix and I was so sad when I finished watching season 2 I actually cried, knowing I would have a long time to wait to see the next season! Waaaaaa!!!!!!!!

  134. Glad I have Netflix or I would not have found Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Great show, love the soundtracks, available on ITunes. Great cast, patiently waiting for third season.

  135. I just found Miss Fisher on Netflix a couple of months ago and binge watched the entire two seasons in one weekend and watched individual episodes again over the last couple of weeks. I’m completely hooked and am very happy to see another season coming. On a separate note, I know the soundtracks are available on Itunes but one song I saw missing was Let’s Misbehave performed by Phrynne and Jack (Davis and Page) — that’s been my favorite version to date. That would be a fabulous one to be recorded and released.

  136. I’m with Rhonda in that I just binge-watched both Season One and Two over the last couple of weeks, also on Netflix. I am trying to find out when Season Three will air and on what station here in Utah. I can’t imagine life without Jack and Phryne!

  137. This show has ruined me. I am obsessed with it. I love everything about it. I bought the season 1 & 2 dvds & watch them over and over. Not interested in any other TV shows after seeing this one. Although I do track down on YouTube shows in which Nathan Page has appeared… Every time I mention this show to women I know, their eyes light up – they all love it. They love the clothes, the banter, the flirting. They love Jack. More, please, the sooner the better. Don’t make us wait too long in the US, I just may wear out my dvds.

  138. Just discovered Miss Fisher and an inability to show any restraint whatsoever here on the U.S. East Coast. My husband and I binged on Seasons One and Two after a friend introduced us. Loving the depth, amazing cast and of course the costumes are divine. Looking forward to Season three…now how about a line of Phryne Fisher Frocks? Oh, and hats while you’re at it. I’ve got several pals with birthdays this month…just ordered DVD’s for all of them. It’s so nice to have something to watch in addition to Downton Abbey.

  139. Was looking for something to watch and found Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and was totally surprised by it’s fresh and unique approach. Both me and my girlfriend enjoyed every show. Now we are waiting and hoping for more.

  140. SO looking forward to the third season, considering some of the dross which passes for entertainment on television these days. As I understand it, not long to go now!

  141. From the Great State of Texas:
    The absolute only television worth queuing up for on American television. Thank you for news of season 3. Brilliant!

  142. Love all the PBS stations in the San Francisco area! Nothing better than PBS. I consider Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries one of the finest! I too, cannot wait until the Series 3 comes to Channel 9, Masterpiece, and then onto Acorn, which I subscribed to a year ago! Forget USA television! Too many comedies ( not even funny, but really sad and stupid), along with way too much violence, that I I don’t need at my 78 years of age!!! The British and Australians have the right idea, when it comes to great “entertaining productions”.

  143. I just love the chemistry between Jack and Miss Fisher. Such a teaser. Just wish he would grab her and plant one on her. I would finally exhale. Love the entire cast. Hope Dottie and Hugh marry this season. And Mr. Butler – love, love, love him as well as Seth and Bert. Of course, can’t forget Aunt P. What a gem she is.

  144. I have been looking out for series 3 for months now and am so hoping it will be shown on Alibi. I feel I am missing out on what the characters are doing and want to catch up with their lives. Absolutely love the show – can’t wait for it to come back.

  145. Three generations of my family watch and love this. On a par with Downtown for costume and sets.
    Great stories and the most talented and engaging cast.
    Desperately looking out for series 3 air date in the UK…come on Alibi get this sorted out!

  146. Love love love love love the Miss Fisher mysteries. I sit in front of my USA television anxiously waiting for the next season and hope for many more in the future.

  147. I read that the third season would be a short season and would be the end of the series!!! Anyone know if this is true??? I hope I heard wrong. I LOVE this series and wait impatiently for the new season.

  148. My wife and I love the show and own Series 1 & 2 and are awaiting 3. However, we must agree with Jessica that Phryne’s immorality is a big problem (for her) and presents a poor, trashy role model of the “liberated woman” in the best sense. It’s no great accomplishment for a beautiful woman to find men willing to be taken to bed. But a lifetime of that has a bad, bitter, and loveless end—or worse.
    Her salvation is Jack and his character and integrity. But–will she or can she realize this? Let’s hope!
    Thanks for you courage Jessica in voicing this concern for all of us.

  149. P.S. Putting Phryne’s promiscuity issue(novels nothwithstanding) aside, my wife and I love Phryne and Jack! They belong together–hopefully as a Mr. and Mrs. The deep love and bond growing between them is beautiful to watch happen. This coupled with their wit and whimsy could carry this show for “centuries”!!—-Viva Love—’nuff said.

  150. Thank you because Miss Phryne is now my friend! I’m looking forward to getting it on DVD at the library in Penna. USA.

  151. One more Point: To anyone new to the series, we recommend you watch it sequentially starting with Series 1. That way you will better understand the characters, their issues and the developing relationships, particularly that of Phryne and Jack. These are so well written and acted that you owe it to yourself to enjoy them as they were intended. Later, you can go back and “select” a favorite episode for re watch and will gain more understanding as there are many subtleties easily missed the first time.

  152. I got Acorntv specifically to watch this show. Have watched the first two seasons over and over. Have to disagree about Jack and Phryne, she would break his heart. But,meant way more of him, and his story. And please give him a woman who deserves him. Nathan Page is absolutely the perfect man, as Jack. Love, love, love him. Phryne is fabulous, but would have to make too many changes to have a serious relationship. Love all the characters, Dot and Hugh are wonderful, Mr. Butler has stories to tell and he should, Bert and Cess crack never up, and Jane is adorable. Can’t wait for season 3. Seems like a lifetime since we’ve seen new shows. Kudos to everybody connected with this truly entertaining offering.
    P.S. Really missing Jack. Sigh.

  153. No question–a woman of Phryne’s history and proclivities should be avoided at all costs if a serious, stable faithful relationship is the goal. However, this situation is not so simple. Phryne has sent many “signals” that she recognizes Jack’s character and wants his love. And “therein lies the problem”. Jack also has deep affection for her and wants the same thing but is not sure it can work, as he is very well aware of her proclivities concerning men, and wants more than he had with Rosie. Phryne on the other hand, is experiencing some confusion ,stress and perhaps some regrets concerning her “history”,but of course cannot erase that, and does not know how to get Jack to express a stronger romantic interest. For now, she must maintain the “working relationship connection” in hopes the romantic one will blossom. Then too people can and do change often in traumatic emotional states coupled with “eye opening divine intervention–not unheard of. So many obstacles for both to overcome–“will love prevail?”–Stay Tuned!

  154. Point to consider in this on-going love story saga–as that’s what it is. Both Phryne and Jack have put their lives on the line or each other and have saved one another on occasion. When this occurs between two people, a virtually unbreakable bond is established–not easily broken or pushed aside. “Greater love has no man than one who gives his life for another”. Bonds like this often progress to something more and deeper….”think about that….” and we certainly will.

  155. Just started watching the third season and it looks great. I am just sorry to see that there are only eight episodes.

    You cannot get enough of a good thing.

  156. This has become my favorite show ever. I love it. Hope it continues. I am now on series 3 I have watched 1 and 2 three times. I will continue watching it again and again.

  157. As has been noted, this is a love story or put another way, a story about love. The path of true, deep love is often a “rocky one”. But the deep lasting ones have been tested–often numerous times. Keeping in mind that in any relationship, both sides arrive with a “past” and with individuality. Bringing the two sides together always involves understanding, often forgiveness as well as “overlooking” in order to move on together. The past cannot be changed but the future is a new page to write on. Some great lessons here on these points and on the power of love—never underestimate it! So much of the appeal of this series is the way these deep themes have been woven in and worked out. And Series 3 is a “gem”

  158. Considering Jack—“an honorable man who always does the right thing”—a label Phrynee herself attaches to him early on–and rightly so–but soes not know how to relate to him. Though she’s falling in love with him, he does not respond to the “obvious signals” that most other men in her past have and would. To Jack’s credit (and Phrynee’s ultimate benefit)–though he is falling in love with her as well, remains stedfaST in his moral principles but nevertheless treats her with the utmost unconditional love, patience and respect, something a man of honor and integrity would do (though it is not always easy for him to maintain this attitude). (It’s interesting to note that at one point Phrynee herself acknowledges and berates her lack of moral integrity.) However, Phrynee desperately does not want to lose him , but despite their growing closeness , needs to have Jack declare how he feels and needs the assurance he deeply cares for her. In some unusual ways she does begin to receive this and responds accordingly–and it’s about time! Thanks, for the caring and tasteful ways all this is portrayed. Love with honor—the way to go. Love like this always conquers all! And gentlemen, threating the “love of your life” as well as Jack treats Phrynee is something we should all be in the business of doing.

  159. Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing Phryne back! We love her in Canada. Superb cast, entertaining stories and, above all, fantastic wardrobe.

  160. I miss Ms. Fisher’s murder mysteries.
    When will she return?
    Anything further!
    It is so unique, the costumes are beautiful.
    Please, Please, Please!

  161. June 21, 2017
    I ran across Phryne a couple of years ago and fell in love with all the characters on the program. Since then I have read all the books I could get my hands on. Here in the US, I get the tv programs on Wed. @9:00 am on Ovation. I am so sorry the show has been cancelled. Is there any way Phryne could return to tv with new adventures?

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