NIDA announces Dylan Alcott Foundation Scholarship

Dylan Alcott

NIDA will offer a new scholarship to prospective Bachelor of Fine Arts students living with disability as part of a new collaboration with The Dylan Alcott Foundation (DAF).

The Dylan Alcott Foundation Scholarship will be open to all applicants aged 26 years and under for the three-year course, including the Acting, Design, Costume, Props and Effects, Stage Construction and Technologies, and Technical Theatre and Stage Management disciplines.

Commencing in 2025, one scholarship recipient will receive $20,000 per annum for three years to cover tuition fees and some living expenses via the Dylan Alcott Foundation and the NIDA Foundation Trust.

Founded in 2017 by Paralympic Gold Medallist and Grand Slam champion Dylan Alcott, The Dylan Alcott Foundation (DAF) is a charitable organisation that empowers young Australians living with disability to chase their dreams and break down barriers.

Alcott said the foundation was passionate about creating further education opportunities for the disability community with the creative industry being “no exception”.

“We want to empower young Australians living with disability to dream big and explore whatever category of education interests them and we can’t wait to come and see them on the big stage,” he said.

NIDA CEO Liz Hughes said her institution was “immensely grateful” for the foundation’s support and Alcott’s leadership.

“This life-changing scholarship will enable greater access to NIDA’s internationally recognised and industry-ready training for a talented BFA Student commencing in 2025,” she said.

NIDA equity and inclusion manager Alexia Derbas said the scholarship represented NIDA’s commitment to “addressing the barriers young people with disability face in accessing opportunities in the creative industries”.

“It’s exciting to partner with the Dylan Alcott Foundation to continue working at this,” she said.

Applications for the Dylan Alcott Foundation Scholarship can be submitted after completing a 2025 course application, which must be submitted before mid-September to be eligible.