Screen Australia today called for submissions from industry practitioners on its Marketing, Support and Promotion, and Research and Statistics areas.
Screen Australia is seeking visionary industry professionals to deliver new development programs and initiatives...
Screen Australia is offering travel grants for producers travelling to the upcoming market MIPTV 30 March-3 April 2009.
Frederic Boyer, a member of the Selection Committee for Quinzaine des Realisateurs will be visiting Australia in February, to view new Australian feature films for possible selection.
Screen Australia's new CEO, Dr Ruth Harley speaks to NZ On Screen in retrospect of her career move as an academic into management in the New Zealand film and television industry, as well as her expectations for the Australian industry.
Screen Australia has appointed Martha Coleman as Head of Development...
Marsha White, who has been the POCB Co-ordinator since October 2007, has recently left Screen Australia.
Internationally acclaimed Australian director Ray Lawrence was yesterday backed by Screen Australia to direct Being Dead...