Directed by Johan Gabrielsson, and written and produced by Mark Forstmann, 'Climate Changers' follows acclaimed scientist Tim Flannery as he searches for the missing ingredient in our fight against climate change – leadership.
Documentary Australia CEO Mitzi Goldman ponders whether Jennifer Tiexeira and Camilla Hall’s 'Subject', which explores the life-altering experience of sharing one's life on screen through key participants of documentaries, marks a watershed moment for documentary filmmaking.
The history of Australia's fashion industry and the national women's soccer team's fight for gender parity will be explored in new documentaries included in Screen Australia's latest funding round.
Executive produced by Cate Blanchett, ABC documentary 'Knowing The Score' gets up close and personal with celebrated Australian conductor Simone Young.
Documentary Australia will assign impact producers to as many as 10 films across the next three years as part of a new program designed to increase awareness and action on a range of pressing environmental issues.
'How to Thrive: a practical guide to happiness' is a documentary that tracks the transformation of seven participants with mental health issues, guided by Positive Psychotherapist Marie McLeod.
Travis Akbar is the third recipient of the Centralised First Nations Documentary Australia Fellowship, with the filmmaker to receive a grant of up to $30,000 to develop his project ‘Kuta New Wiltja’ (Toward New Camp), as well as up to $10,000 of in-kind support to attend training opportunities at AFTRS.
Andrew Myer has been appointed the next chair of Documentary Australia, succeeding Kevin Palmer. Myer, a producer and executive producer...