South Australia animated comedy feature film Lesbian Space Princess has been selected to premiere at the 2025 Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale).
The third season of RFDS has begun its SA shoot, which is expected to inject more than $10 million into the state's economy.
Seven drama 'RFDS' has entered new airspace for its third season, with production moving from Broken Hill to South Australia.
The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) is set to begin recruiting for a new head of operations following the departure of Robyn Jones this month.
Danny and Michael Philippou have confirmed they will shoot their second feature 'Bring Her Back' in their hometown of Adelaide with the support of the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC).
The South Australian government has boosted funding for its ABC SAFC Content Pipeline Fund, which has supported several local productions including upcoming drama Ladies in Black in its first year.
The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) has appointed developer and academic James O’Connor as game development executive.
A new crop of South Australian creatives will have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the teams behind thriller 'Monolith' and animated comedy 'Lesbian Space Princess' as part of the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC)'s Film Lab: New Voices.